Thursday, August 14, 2008

NW WA Fair 2008

The fair is here! We always look forward to mid-August which is fair time in Lynden. This year was especially exciting because it is Hale's first year at the fair. For the Van Dyks the fair doesn't just mean cheese curds and ferris wheels. The main focus is on the 11 cows that spend the week in the cow barn and compete in an open class show on Thursday. This year Van Dyk-S Sextet-Karen took grand champion and was also honored with the Best Udder award! Van Dyk-S was also chosen primiere breeder. The picture above is the family accepting the award.

Many of the Kroontje kids showed heifers this year in the fair. Steven took first in both fitting and showing and type. Here he is:

Here are Kohl and Landon showing off the cows (and their snazzy white pants):

Grandma Kroontje submitted the quilt that she made for Hale. We already felt that it was the prettiest quilt in the handcrafts barn, but it was really fun to see it hanging prominently with a big blue ribbon on it! The pattern of the quilt is called "kaleidescope" and I love how the pattern comes through on this picture. Sometimes you don't notice it as much up close. If you click on this picture to make it bigger you can see the cute Van Dyk-S Holsteins shirt that Grandma Susan had made for Hale.

Here's Hale relaxing by the Van Dyk-S booth.

and goofing around with Aunt Dawn, and hanging out with his dad:

And finally crashing in Aunt Tarelle's arms:



Blogger Terra said...

Congrats to your success at the fair!

August 23, 2008 at 2:18 PM  

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