Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

And happy one year to our blog! Thanks to all our friends and family for all the good feedback you've given us about our website. We really enjoy sharing our updates with you!
Halloween was rainy and cold- but we had a wonderful evening seeing friends and family. We dressed Hale as a cow. I was a little concerned because the costume I found was actually brown and white - not black and white like the traditional Holstein. It got Landon's approval, though, because he reminded me that some holsteins are brown and white - and then they are known as red Holsteins. There was even a red Holstein in the calf barn - so we went to visit her!

Here is our little red Holstein:
Is it almost time Mommy?

A cow and his tractor:

His feet said "moo".
Hale and the little red calf in the barn:
A couple other cuties we saw on the way. Grace "Wendy",
Emmy "Robin", Libby "Scooby", and Fiona "Peter Pan".


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Only you would be able to find a cow costume! So stinking cute (and appropriate)! Miss you! I promise I am intending to call you about coming over here, but we've had the flu so I'm a bit behind on those sorts of things. Let's discuss it soon, though!

November 3, 2008 at 6:17 PM  
Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Since you're not coming over here, you at least have to put up some new pics of Hale for me. I miss you guys...and although the Halloween pics are SUPER cute, I need a more recent update! Hope you enjoy your weekend...and stay sane!

November 13, 2008 at 12:24 PM  

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