Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day part I: Berthusen Park

Landon and Hale made my Mother's Day so special! We took advantage of the morning sun and had brunch in Berthusen park. Besides eating delicious food and playing together as a family, the boys were very patient as I took pictures - the best Mother's Day gift of all!

Hale while Landon and I ate lunch. He's never far from his tractor these days!

He found a walking stick and was using it around the trails. It almost poked out his eye a few times.

Resting on a log...

and looking at nature with Dad.

We made our way to the creek to a spot where Uncle Grant taught Landon to skip rocks. Have you seen Landon skip a rock - it is amazing!!! Uncle Grant must be a great teacher...or maybe it's just the fact that Landon also has a really good arm.
Hale didn't learn how to skip rocks yesterday but he had a great time throwing them in the water.

Playing in the sand.

Family picture by the water.


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Hooray for a Becky picture. You look beautiful!

May 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM  

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