Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sunny Friday part I : Haircut

Hale's hair was growing over his ears so I needed to cut it again. It was a nice sunny day so we did it on the deck. Hale sat in the Bumbo chair and read a book on baptism while I gave him a trim.

Here are the results. Hale seemed pretty pleased. I even styled his hair before we went out on Friday night. It made him look so much older. Auntie Tarelle said "he's lost all his innocence". He did look like quite a trouble maker with hair gel in his hair.


Blogger Robin Swenson said...

Becky, Seeing Hale looking grown-up and wearing that shirt that we loved so much makes me so happy! He's adorable. Thanks for being so faithful with the pictures.

May 3, 2009 at 12:05 PM  

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