Saturday, June 13, 2009

Catchlight Challenge

So, I've fallen a little bit behind in my photo-a-week group. Hale and I have been really busy lately. So if the challenge requires a field trip to get the photo then it usually hasn't happened.

But this week's challenge was catchlight - which I've written about in a previous post. This is something that Hale and I do best. And it is most easily captured in our favorite spot- Hale's nursery!

Here were two of my submissions to the group challenge:

and a few more fun ones I caught along the way:

Hale's "look-how-naughty-I'm-being" face.

He's not supposed to stand on the chair, so doing it gives him quite a thrill.

The "where's Hale?" game.

Looks like it's almost time for another haircut!

Driving his tractor around his chair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is SO beautiful, Beck!

June 15, 2009 at 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Mrs. Vis said...

These photos are DARLING. He's just such a little love bug!

June 16, 2009 at 9:14 PM  

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