Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We're back! (sort of)

My apologies for the long delay between posts. Blogger decided to discontinue support to blogs that were posted via FTP and it took us a little while to get things rearranged.

So I'm not totally back to normal - you will notice that my pictures are smaller than usual - but I thought I would go ahead and post a quick note that we are still alive and doing well.

Here are my most recent pictures of Hale.

He just got these new overalls from Grandma Susan. They are great because on slightly chilly and windy days (like the one pictured) you don't need to have your coat with you. You can just tuck your hands in your overalls to keep warm.

Hale posed this picture all by himself. "Hey Mama" he said and gave me a cheesy smile. I guess he thought he looked really cute in the bushes and didn't want me to miss a good photo.

This is Hale having fun with the cow's food. This is why I had to give him a bath when we got home. He had silage in his hair.

This is my favorite picture that I took on Saturday, so it is really frusterating me that I cannot post it bigger right now. I will have to come back when I have more time and fix it. Here are Landon and Hale taking a nap (with Ethel) in the field.


Blogger Marla Kay Lipscomb said...

Hi Becky! So great to see pics of Hale today...and I love the picture with Ethel=)!!!! Mar

March 17, 2010 at 4:50 PM  
Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

I'm pretty sure that if you had had the last one when you entered the cow contest, it would have won my a mile. It is one of my all time favorites that you have taken!

March 17, 2010 at 7:50 PM  
Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

oops, "by a mile"

March 17, 2010 at 7:51 PM  
Blogger The Mulder Family said...

Love the picture of them taking a nap...that is totally heart melting :)

March 30, 2010 at 4:01 PM  
Blogger Megan Hitz, Designer said...

that is the most adorable photo i have ever seen. where is your baby bump photos!

June 1, 2010 at 10:29 AM  

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