Thursday, May 6, 2010

We're back...again!!

I think I jinxed myself by announcing "I'm back". I was only back for one post before I got completely side-tracked again. Want to hear about what's been going on in life?

We are expecting baby #2! Yay. In November. But despite what you are thinking, pregnancy sickness and tiredness is not actually what has kept me from blogging. I have been immersed in some fun design and photography projects since February that have soaked up all of my "free time" (you know...when Hale is sleeping). Now that Hale is a little older I am able to clean the house and cook meals while he is awake (Praise the Lord!) but it is pretty impossible for me to do any constructive photo editing with him around. He ends up on my lap moving my mouse around the screen. So I'm afraid the blog took the back burner for awhile.

Also contributing to my lack of blogging was a recent switch in cameras. More specifically, I accidentally left Old Trusty outside overnight. He might have survived if we hadn't had the thunderstorm of the century. Shoot. "Water damage" is what the Canon Repair Factory concluded and said it would be $1200 to fix it. So I cashed in on their upgrade program and got a newer, nicer camera. You'd think I'd be thrilled to have a new model...but I was pretty okay with my last one. I was hoping to buy myself a new lens instead. But now I just have another camera...and the same lenses.

But I am thankful to have any camera at all - and have already taken some pictures that I can't wait to share...but I'm not quite ready to unveil. So, to tide you over here is a picture of Hale at his silliest. I have to take responsibility for the weird outfit (it is one of his comfy nap outfits) but he decided to accessorize, as he often does, with his helmet...on backwards. He was riding his dump truck and talking on the radio. It made me laugh.

Many thanks to all of you who seemed truly ticked off that I stopped blogging (my husband included). It made me feel good - like you enjoyed reading it. I'll try to live up to your expectations in the following months. Here's hoping for lots of photo-ops this summer!


Blogger Mrs. Vis said...

Yayyy!! I'm so glad you're back and SO glad you're expecting another little Van Dyk! I've been saying to Mr. Visbeek that it seemed like it was about time for another adorable photo subject :-) Congratulations!

May 6, 2010 at 2:58 PM  
Blogger The Mulder Family said...

Congrats again Becki...I am so excited that there is going to be another VanDyk baby around...I absolutely love Hale to death...cannot wait to see if it's a boy or girl...maybe our angel will be here by then too!! Congrats...see you soon!!

May 6, 2010 at 8:45 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Yeah Baby!! I am so happy and excited for you three!! And I am one that is very excited you are blogging again. i love seeing the sweet little Hale faces!!

May 6, 2010 at 8:56 PM  
Blogger Orians said...

So excited for you all! :)

May 10, 2010 at 3:24 PM  

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