Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hale has become much more expressive the past two weeks - much to our delight! Here are some pictures that I took last week that show some of his many new faces.

Cute cousins

Here are pictures of Hale's two cousins. Aren't they getting so big?
Cousin Gaard:

Cousin Rocklyn with Tarelle:

Bath time

Hale's favorite time of the day is bath time. We use the space heater to make the bathroom feel like a sauna - then Hale splashes in the tub for a while and then likes to kick his legs while in a towel on the floor.
Hale in the tub:

Hale on his towel:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Camo guys

Hale is big enough now to fill out his camo outfit from G & G Trautman. Yesterday Landon had his camo shirt on so I thought I'd better take a few pictures!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hale: the first four weeks

It's been over four weeks now since we brought him home and things are going well! Here are a few pictures of Hale's first few weeks, including Easter and Becky's parents' visit.Hale and cousin Rocklyn:

Hale after bathtime:
Hale in his Easter outfit:
Hale with Grandma T and his Easter basket:

Hale and his Mom:
Hale and his four grandparents: