Monday, July 22, 2013

Washington State Show 2013

Both Hale and Zetta participated in the peewee division of the Washington State Holstein show.  The kids didn't really have any responsibilities beyond holding their calf in the show ring- though Hale indicated that he would like to be more involved with his calf next year "feeding it and stuff".

Hale really looked forward to showing his calf- and he had a lot of fun riding around the barn and fairgrounds on his bike!

Zetta loved the show because she could hang out with her favorite people (Grandpa, Grandma, Daddy, Kohl, Libby, Tyler) all at once.  She made a lot of new "friends" too.

Getting the calf ready minutes before the show.

Making sure Hale remembers what to do.

Zetta was a little nervous to be with the cows at first.  "I don't want him to get me!" she said.  We assured her that they would be nice and that Daddy would help lead it.  Hale said something like "But sometimes they get loose, Zetta!" He loves to push her buttons.
This way Zetta!  You can do it!

Hale probably teasing Zetta
Landon was planning to go in the ring with Hale, but Zetta got cold feet at the last minute (see picture below) and so Tyler switched to help Hale so that Landon could encourage Zetta. 
Don't let her get me!

Hale did really well and showed a lot of concentration and confidence in the ring.  Zetta kept her distance.  She told me after the show "I had fun pulling my cow." That explained a little bit about her form.  If Landon hadn't been there it would have been less leading/showing and more pulling/dragging.

Zetta pulling her calf.

peeking across the ring at brother

talking to the judge, or as Zetta calls him "Daddy's friend!"

This year was extra special because many of our church friends came to watch the kids.  They filled up a whole set of bleachers!  

And of course Merritt was there watching too.  Maybe next year Merritt :-)

The kids got halters for their calves and yellow ribbons.  Hale was so thrilled to tell me "The judge said that all of our calves were so beautiful WE ALL GET FIRST PLACE!" I had just been thinking it was a little lame that they didn't place the kids.  After all, I'm happy for the opportunity to teach my kids about competition- whether that means they learn how to be good losers or good winners. But his excitement about the results was so sweet- I guess I can see why they keep it "just for fun" at this age!

 Besides, the sweetest reward of all is high fives from your best friends!
Hale gets a five while Zetta refuels with chocolate milk.


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