Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hale has recently added the vowel sound "ooo" to his vocabulary. We enjoy conversing with him- though at times he is quite talkative when he is supposed to be quiet - like during church or right before bed-as seen in the following video:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Our first Mother's Day

We were happy to spend Mother's Day with our mother and grandmothers on Landon's side. Here we are at Grandpa and Grandma Kroontje's house for lunch. It is hard to see in this picture but Libby brought me a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers - lilacs, tulips, apple blossoms - for my first Mother's day.

We decided to add Hale's height to the inside of G&G Kroontje's closet door. His height along with the date was recorded next to many many other grandchildren's heights.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rocklyn's dedication weekend

This weekend we went to Seattle for Rocklyn's dedication. It was really neat to see Rocklyn being dedicated and to return to Westminster Chapel- a church we always enjoy. Hale and Rocklyn hung out together and even maintained eye contact with each other for a while.

We also got to see a few of the SPU girls this weekend. It was really great to catch up and compare notes on all the little boys. Brie and Shawn hosted us at their place and made a delicious dinner!
Rocklyn and Hale: she's still bigger but he is catching up!Rocklyn at home before her dedication:Pastor Gary Gulbranson and the Osborn family

Hale, asleep before the service started (...it didn't last)
The SPU clan