Monday, June 30, 2008

Beating the Heat

This weekend was very busy for our family. Landon did a lot of work on the farm - a very hot weekend to bring in hay! On Saturday, Hale surprised me by rolling over. He was pretty proud of his new trick and was eager to show it off. I guess he really enjoys the actual rolling part- because he does it all the time- but once he is on his stomach he cries. He's been able to roll back onto his back a few times but doesn't really have that down yet. So this is troublesome for his mom because he doesn't play nicely on his back anymore.

To beat the near 90 degree heat we've been giving Hale lots of cool baths on the deck. Here are a few shots from this weekend:

Finally shorts weather, the guys in their camos.

Hale's bath:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

First Father's Day

These are pictures of last weekend - Landon's first Father's Day! We were
so fortunate to have a beautiful day to celebrate with both the Van Dyk and
Kroontje families!

Landon and Hale before we left for church:

Uncle Kohl with Hale at Karl and Karla's.

Bud, Kohl and Landon at John and Lesa's.

Steven,Liam, Jake and Josiah at John and Lesa's.

Grace enjoying a Moo-wich.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Aunt Robin's visit

We were so happy to have Aunt Robin here the first weekend in June! We relaxed and talked and played with Hale.

Here we are making burritos:

Hale had a blow-out diaper. Landon stripped him down and we quickly ran a bath.

Here is Robin with Hale after he was clean again:

Robin worked with Hale on his tummy time. This is a picture she took of him raising his head. He is getting pretty strong!

Hale is trying out his backpack carrier for the first time. He really liked it - he kept smiling at himself in the mirror.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Hale got out on the farm a little bit during classification. Here are a few pictures of Hale and his dad with the cows.

Memorial Day and early June

We spent some time in Bellevue with Josh, Tarelle and Rocklyn over Memorial Day weekend. We did a little photo shoot with Rocklyn and I had to take another picture of the two cousins.

Landon's cousin Carson graduated from eighth grade on June 3rd! We had fun celebrating his achievement at Grandpa and Grandma Kroontje's house.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Quick update

We have had so many fun things happen in the last few weeks- memorial day weekend in Seattle, classification on the farm, Aunt Robin visiting, Landon's first Father's Day - that we've had no time to blog about it all. So, I will try to catch up with the picture posting soon...but I thought I would quickly post a new picture of Hale so you could see how he has changed.

This is Hale yesterday, June 14, after our 8 hour shopping trip to Bellingham. He was in surprisingly good spirits after having run so many errands with me.