Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last Day of Swimming Lessons

It was with sadness (and some relief) that we attended our last of 8 swimming lessons today! Hale was enrolled in a class at the Arne Hanna Aquatic Center with two of his friends Presley and Eli. It was a fun time and Hale was a natural swimmer. The dads came to watch our last lesson and snapped some pictures.


Brittani, Presley, Carole, Eli, Me and Hale

Monday, October 20, 2008

StoneyRidge Farm!

One of the best parts of fall in Everson is living so close to StoneyRidge farm. Saturday we visited with Tarelle, Rocklyn and Grandma Susan (and about 10,000 other people).

I think this one's funny because Hale is in the midst of falling on his head:

Hale and Grandma:

Hale, Joel and BFF Presley:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another morning in the nursery

I got these pictures before swimming lessons on Thursday morning. He still has a little oatmeal on his face from breakfast.
Hale is fascinated with the corners of his rug. He curls them so much they aren't laying flat anymore!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Girls weekend in Vancouver

This past weekend I went up to Vancouver with some of my SPU friends! Even though this city is very close I hadn't been up to shop in a few years. Robson street was fun - many unique shops that we don't have in Seattle. Here are a couple of pictures- thanks for sending them Brie!

The girls hugging Hale before we left.

In the car:
Dinner at Earls:

Dessert courtesy of 7-11.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Too busy for clothes

Hale has become a very fast crawler. He is excited about opening doors and reorganizing my cupboards. He is not excited about diaper changes or putting on clothes. Here are a few pictures taken in his nursery after today's bath.
It's a hairbrush Hale, not a toothbrush...
Hale's favorite game: open door/close door

Getting into cupboards