Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November boredom

It's been little while since I last posted. Basically it's because we've had a really quiet few weeks. Well, Landon did go on a hunting trip last weekend. I'm sure we will post some pictures soon, but I am waiting for Landon's collaboration since I don't really know what to say about deer pictures.

Even though Hale and I have been around the house I haven't picked up the camera much lately. I have, however, been doing some creative work. Below is a banner that I recently created for our church foyer. Our church is going to be a part of Advent Conspiracy - a movement to focus less on the commercial side of the Christmas season. It's not a campaign against gift-giving, but promoting giving in ways that are not limited to material gifts.

Today, after finally finishing my church banners - I did take a few pictures. Hale was napping so I got the idea to try to take a few self-portraits. The results weren't great. Standing in my window, with the camera at arms length, all I could think was "I wonder what my neighbors are thinking of me right now?"

Here's one. Don't think I'll be using it as my facebook profile.

Then Hale woke up so I took some pictures of the funny face he makes when he is first awake.

He was kind of grouchy.

His grouchy demeanor turned into sobs as I started taking pictures.

And then he took off his sock and waved it in forceful protest.

But eventually he got over it. He always does. :-)


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