Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo morning

I decided that if conditions were good this morning I would try to take some photos at the farm before Hale's morning nap. I am working on this week's photo, which needs to be black and white. I want to try to do a black and white landscape - since I'm more familiar with portraits. One element of a good BW landscape portrait is an active sky - like cool clouds. The clouds weren't really that fantastic this morning so we decided to cuddle up in Hale's room instead of going out.
Of course, as soon as we settled in the sun came out and the light was really cool. I took this picture out Hale's nursery window.

I really wanted to take a BW picture of the church across the street while the lighting was still good. We packed up quickly and got this photo. The BW is cool - but the composition is very uninteresting. I was a little too shy to get out of my car - so I took this quick picture out of the window. I should have gotten out and taken it from a better angle. Maybe later.

Since we were in the car anyway we stopped by the farm to take some pictures. The sun was gone by then which was disappointing. Here's a sample of what we saw:


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

You are pretty much amazing!

February 17, 2009 at 5:02 PM  

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