Friday, July 24, 2009

Grandma T!!!

My mom came to visit in mid-July and it was one of our best weeks of the summer! We'd looked forward to the visit for a few months and we were fortunate to have some great weather to share with her.

Grandma got in on some little blue pool time:

and on bath time:

and on general hanging around the house time.

We also did a couple fun "dual grandma" outings.

Here's the happy trio reading a book.

Later, we went blueberry picking.

Hale loved blueberry picking. Once he figured out that they were edible he dropped his picking container and took a seat. Then he ate a lot of berries.

The grandmas and I had a little contest to see who could find the biggest berry. I ate the champion berry. It was a delicious mouthful!


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