Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Well, since both boys crashed before 8 o'clock tonight I have a little time on my hands to get our Halloween pictures up! Landon is home from Germany (yay!!!) and fought his jet lag long enough to make a few trick or treat stops with me and our little lion cub.

I wasn't quite sure how Hale would react to being dressed in a suit of fur- but I needn't have worried. He was so excited about being a lion! When I tossed the costume to Landon so he could help Hale get it on, Hale pointed to the little furry pile on the floor and did a big lion roar. He'd never laid eyes on it before - so Landon and I were totally shocked that he recognized it. He practiced his roars into the mirror a few times after he got the costume on.

We were running out of daylight so I had to make my Halloween photo shoot super quick. Daddy and lion were anxious to hit the road. What a beautiful evening!

Hale heading backwards down the stairs to the car - not so fast Hale!

Hale modeling the front of his costume...

...and the back...

...and the top!

Roaring with Dad.

More dad! More!

Our first stop: Mim and Poppa's house!

Choosing a treat with Mim's help.

Arriving at Grandma Susan's door!

Grandpa Bud was still working in the field so Hale shot a few hoops in Grandpa and Grandma's living room to kill time until Grandpa got home. Unfortunately, he started to overheat a little bit so we had to turn him out onto the patio to cool down for a while. He was more than happy to play on his tractor in the dark, but came to the window to peek at us every once in a while to make sure he wasn't missing out on anything!

A big thanks to Gaard for lending us such a cool costume!


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

SO stinking cute!!! I have no idea how you always manage to capture so many good shots!

November 1, 2009 at 7:09 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Cutest little lion I have ever seen hands down!

November 1, 2009 at 8:20 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Vis said...

What an adorable little cub you had there! Such a cutie pie!

November 7, 2009 at 8:17 AM  

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