Saturday, September 12, 2009

One last Hoorah!

Just when I thought it was time to put the little blue pool in winter storage, summer has come back for one last hoorah! Life has slowed down a little bit (for this week anyway) so we were actually able to soak in the sunshine.

Landon is working in town three days a week now so we did a little picnic at the city park on Friday. We ate fajitas together and then Hale and I stuck around and played at the playground.

It was too bad that I had sour cream sitting in the car because I think Hale could have stayed all afternoon. It took him all summer- but I think he has finally caught on to how fun playgrounds can be. He used to just stand and stare at everything and I had to order him around: "Hale, walk up these stairs...okay, now go down the let's do it again!". Now he gets around without any prompting from me. Actually, it was kind of hard to keep him in view yesterday. This playground has many little tunnels perfect for kids and way too small for mommies to climb into. He'd be right in front of me, and then the next minute he was all the way on the other side of the playground - and I'd have to take the long way to find him!

That's not to say that he doesn't just stand and stare every once in a while. He is totally fascinated by kids 3-6 years old. I guess it's because they are just a little bit more capable than him and are therefore playing in a way that Hale wishes he could.

It was fun to watch him observe. And every once in a while when a stampede of kids would whoosh by us, Hale would try to step into the back of the pack. But he just can't quite keep up...yet.


Blogger Robin Swenson said...

What a cutie! I can't wait to see him again. He is getting so big.

September 15, 2009 at 7:38 PM  

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