Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fair Week: Part II "Fair Business"

The last post showed, in a nutshell, what the fair meant to Hale. And it basically shows what I did most of the time as well. But for Landon and the rest of his extended family, the fair revolves around the cow show.

Monday was a fun day to watch because the 4-H kids competed in the Start to Finish event. The Van Dyks brought in a group of calves and the kids fitted (washed, clipped their hair, etc.) and then showed the calf. They were then evaluated on their fitting and showing skills.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to document the Open Class cow show. I wish I could have gotten a picture of Landon showing! It was a little difficult to watch the show, keep track of Hale, and take pictures. It was all I could do to keep Hale from running into the ring! The Van Dyks were happy with the way the show went this year - the heifers showed especially well.

Here are my pictures from the Start to Finish day:

Lily shows her calf

Steven and his calf

All the calves lined up in the ring.

Liam was on the first place team - the judge gave his team a perfect 10 on the fitting.


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