Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fair Week: Part I "Hale"

One of the highlights of every summer is fair week. It is the most exciting/exhausting week of the year. This year was a special year because it was Hale's first real fair. He attended last year, of course, but this year he was finally old enough to enjoy it. And, oh man, did he ever love it!

We set up on Sunday and Hale tracked every movement of the wheelbarrow. It will be nice when he is old enough to help - or at least old enough to know how to stay out of the way!

Last year, when Hale was just a baby, I imagined this year's fair with him. I knew he would enjoy looking at the animals, and I thought of pushing him through the fair in his stroller, waving at the animals and at people that we knew. This dream greatly underestimated his current energy level, physical skills and stamina. He looked like The Flash running up and down the barn aisles. Fortunately, Landon and I have had lots of practice running after him the last few months (crawling under racks at TJ Maxx and such) so we weren't too shocked. Here he is at the fair:


playing in the barn (this sandwich sign became a favorite hideout)

helping dad and grandpa with barn duty

just hanging out with dad and grandpa

bonding with the show cows

banging on the show cows (De La Renta was so tolerant)

staying cool and playing with his new toy from the fair
(They were handing these balls out for free somewhere. A boy walked by bouncing it and Hale reached out and grabbed it and didn't let go. I finally got it loose from his fingers but the boy took pity on Hale and let him keep it. It didn't leave his hands the rest of the week)

having a meltdown

shouting just to hear the sound of his own voice

and the best part of every day: crashing
He plays hard but he's sure a good sleeper!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard at your thoughts of an ideal Fair trip with Hale quitly sitting in his stroller pointing at animals! Love the picture of Landon and Hale moving straw in the wheelbarrow.

August 26, 2009 at 11:47 AM  

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