Saturday, December 12, 2009

A fun food

In an effort to try something new I introduced Hale to edamame last week. I thought he might enjoy taking the beans out of the pod- and he does. I was shocked at how quickly he picked it up.

He's a pro at working the soybean from its shell.

and even made a special spot on his tray for the empty pods.

A nutritious snack - and it keeps him busy too!

Christmas Tree!

After several failed attempts to get a tree we finally cut one last weekend just around the corner at Stoney Ridge Farm.

It was such a cold evening - we made sure Hale was bundled in his jacket.

It didn't take long for us to find a nice tree (it was way too cold to be picky).

Hale supervised while dad cut.

We warmed up with mini donuts...

...and hot chocolate...

and then hurried home to decorate it before bed.

Hale loves the tree! It is the first thing he wants to see when he comes down in the morning.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Our Thanksgiving weekend was delightfully low key so I kind of slacked on my picture taking. On Friday, we headed into the mountains to look for a tree. Hale got his first look at (Washington) snow this season. It was a little dark, but the kids were so cute that picture taking was finally too hard to resist.

Hale and Grandpa in their "matching" coats

We stopped at the Osborn cabin on the way home for a delicious dinner.

Bud's moose is finally hanging up and it looks awesome. Plus it was really fun to throw the kids' toys up in his antlers. They thought it was hilarious!!!