Saturday, June 5, 2010

Farmer's Day Parade

This morning we had some great weather for the Farmer's Day Parade in Lynden. Hale and I went with Grandma Susan and, as an unexpected bonus, Landon and Grandpa were able to join us as well!

To no one's surprise Hale loved the parade!

Waiting for it all to begin.

Waving is one of his favorite pastimes- he did plenty of it today!

Of course, a lot of his energy was spent trying to gain the most candy. Being the solo child with a group of adults meant that most of the candy tossers didn't throw it our way. They usually aimed for the big group of kids to our right or to our left. At first we encouraged Hale to run and try to get in on the scramble with the other kids nearby. However, it got to the point that if Hale saw candy coming he would dart in front of one of these groups with the intention of intercepting as much (or all) of the candy as soon as it was tossed. His pockets got so full that we suggested that he start throwing his own candy out to share with the other kids.

Showing off some of his loot.

Hale spotted some candy throwers that were relatives/buddies from the farm and he decided to run across the street and get some straight from the source.

One of the tractors from the farm was pulling this three hay wagon float. It was fun to watch something familiar go by.


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

I absolutely LOVE the one of him running back from the group of kids with candy. So cute!

June 5, 2010 at 7:26 PM  

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