Thursday, November 11, 2010

Zetta Mae: the arrival

We are pleased to introduce the newest member of our family- Zetta Mae Van Dyk. Zetta arrived at 5:42am on November 5th. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and measured 20 3/4 inches long.

Zetta was overdue just like her brother! Our baby doctor took sympathy on us and agreed to induce on November 5th. We were scheduled to head into the hospital the evening of November 4th to get things rolling. Both Landon and I were a little disappointed to have to be induced (again), but we were excited to finally meet our baby. Unfortunately, when that evening arrived the hospital informed us that they were short-staffed and couldn't take us. But Zetta wouldn't take no for an answer - I started having contractions just a few hours later!

We were so elated when she arrived the next morning. We were blessed with a speedy, pitocin-free delivery, and we had a healthy baby GIRL!!!!

This was my "holy-cow-I-have-a-little-girl" moment.

An early picture of Zetta.

Cuddled up on mom in the hospital bed.

Crazy hair

Reclining on a new blanket

Hale comes to see his new sister!

Hale brought Zetta a blanket and was so excited to show me that he had written a card - he made the H in Hale and Z in Zetta all by himself!

Zetta arrives home from the hospital.


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Beck, she is absolutely beautiful! I can't express how excited I am for you that you have a little girl!!!!!

November 12, 2010 at 9:21 AM  

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