Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back in the Groove

Late summer was a fun time for us - the Lynden Fair, weddings, and a trip to Minnesota for Hale and me! Hopefully, I can catch up on all that later. But today I thought I'd post some of our most recent pictures.

It was hard to leave Minnesota after enjoying our family there for two weeks but we've enjoyed being back and getting into the routine of fall. Hale, of course, has enjoyed being able to play at the farm again. Actually, now that he believes that he is a big boy he refers to his time at the farm as "work". "I worked really hard in these boots today, Mom" he told me last week. And I think Landon would agree that Hale is becoming helpful (at least occasionally).

Here he is in the raspberries - watching over a spool of wire.

We had classification at the farm this week. Hale and I spent some time there and he mostly goofed off in the sawdust while everyone else worked on getting the animals scored.

The cows were so fascinated by him! Maybe I shouldn't have dressed him in bright orange? Sometimes their interest in him had me a little nervous. They are gentle animals but also big and heavy if they accidentally stepped on him. But Hale was very assertive - if a big cow came and breathed down his neck he just put up his little hand and said "GO!". And that was usually enough to send her on her way.

Taking a break with Dad during classification.

Hale found a flower for me. Very nice, but do I have to take it from that dirty hand?

This little baby was very cozy in the maternity pen. Hale loves baby calves, especially when they are young and will let him snuggle them.

Landon taught Hale how to lift the leg to see if the calf is a boy or a girl.

This one was a bull. Hale said "boy!" But then, later he returned to take another look and announced "it's a sister!". Which is about as decisive as he's been about the gender of our baby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed you much and glad you are back home. We will catch up soon! DK and LGK

September 12, 2010 at 8:26 PM  
Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

I love these pictures, Beck. I love the life you guys have there....and I love seeing Hale enjoying farm life.

September 12, 2010 at 8:53 PM  
Blogger Robin Swenson said...

We miss you already but are glad Hale's back to enjoying time with Daddy! Love you all- R

September 13, 2010 at 1:01 PM  
Blogger Robin Swenson said...

P.S. Love the picture of Hale with the calf. Gaard said "no fair that Hale has a puppy!" I think we need to get out there and visit!

September 13, 2010 at 1:02 PM  

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