Monday, August 2, 2010

Nichole's Bachelorette!!!

Two posts in one day, I know, is quite weird for me. But I have a bunch of pictures that I'm dying to share so I just need to get these up while I have the time tonight. Plus they are overdue...

Two weekends ago I got to spend two nights in Seattle with my SPU girlfriends to celebrate Nichole and her upcoming wedding. I was having so much fun that I didn't take as many pics as I should have, but fortunately Jen (a BFF and amazing photographer) did an awesome job documenting the parts of the weekend that I did not. So Jen, I stole some of your pics. Hope you don't mind!

Here are a few pics of the girls that Jen took of our night out on the town!

The beautiful guest of honor on the sidewalk in Capital Hill (love your candids Jen).

U-Scholar's Forever!!! (totally kidding)

Twins! So pretty!

And here are MY pictures from the official shower.

Brie prepping the mint for Mojitos.

Christy, our friend fresh off her return trip from South America mixed them - even the virgin version was yummy!

Another very special guest - Silas came to hang out with the girls. He is so cute and smiley- he made me look forward to having my own little one again!

Nichole and her beautiful "bow-quet" sculpted by Christy!


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Beck, I love this. I might have to steal the one of Silas!

August 3, 2010 at 8:06 AM  

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