Monday, July 12, 2010

Chelan time again!

Here are some pictures of our Fourth of July camping trip with Landon's family in Chelan. Last time we went to Chelan the kids were still babies so it was fun to experience it again now that they are a bit older.

Relaxing on the first day with their Chelan T-shirts on. I made these for the kids to be funny, but if you know Hale you understand that it wasn't entirely a joke.

Hale learned to pedal and rode this little bike around and around the circle.

We had a blast at the waterslides!

These two hung out so well together. I was always curious what their little private conversations were about.

The kids were big enough to do a few of the slides themselves.

Fun (and relaxing) at the campsite

And by the lake

We got to visit with Tom and Dawn at Desert Canyon - it was fun to relax in their penthouse suite after "roughing it" in our trailer. Here's the crew in the hot tub.

On our way back to Chelan from Desert Canyon we took a "shortcut" on this dirt path over the hills. I was kind of annoyed with Landon for choosing to make our drive a little longer, but there were some beautiful views over the wheatfields as the sun went down. This picture doesn't do it justice.

The dirt road on the left was our route.


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Oh my goodness. I absolutely love these. So fun!

July 14, 2010 at 4:01 PM  

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