Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer so far...

I guess summer has been in full swing for a few weeks now - but according to the local climate it actually started yesterday (or at least that's the first time it has felt like summer to me). You might notice that we are wearing jackets in all the pictures from June - yuck. It was chilly. We're so glad the heat is finally here!!!

This is a really random mix of pictures to show what we've been up to lately:

Fishing off the Deck
This is a new game that Landon made up to entertain Hale while I make dinner in the evenings. Landon casts and Hale reels in a bobber. The practice seems to have paid off. Hale did really well fishing in Lake Chelan.

Dairy Farm Tour
This picture was taken on the one sunny day in June. It was a Saturday and our family went on a farm tour with other local dairy people. The purpose of the day (besides fun) was to get a look at some registered cows and do some practice judging. I was one of the top 15 finishers of the judging contest, but only because Landon helped me.
Hale had a great time, but caused a bit of mischief, of course. This is a picture of Landon retrieving him after he ran to the far corner of a field- not exactly a problem in itself, but he distracted the group of cows that we were supposed to be observing. They all took off and followed him up the dirt path. Oops.

Dawn and Libby invited us out for a morning of strawberry picking. It was one situation when I was glad it was not sunny and blazing hot. It was a perfect morning and we got lots of beautiful berries. Hale did surprisingly well. There was a handful of half-eaten berries in my box when I got home, but that's not too bad!

The raspberries at the farm are getting taller and so the time was right to put the poles in the ground. The boys felt pretty good after they put in their first row in an hour. "Just 64 more rows to go!" they proclaimed. Fortunately, they had some good help, but it was a long job with a lot of late nights. So glad it's done!


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