Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why my flowerbeds are empty...

Just in case you were wondering, this is why I decided not to plant flowers in my flowerbeds this year: I have yet to find any type of vegetation that is hardy enough to withstand Hale's loader and dump truck. I've had several people suggest that we build him a sandbox but I'm not sure we need one. We've got lots of dirt! Plus, this way I don't have to manage sprinklers or buy Miracle Grow. I do like to garden, but I've learned that trying to keep the dirt groomed all 12 months out of the year fulfills my gardening desires.

These pictures are all from Wednesday evening. Landon had a short evening at the farm after working in town so we used the rest of the daylight to work in our yard. Hale loves being with his dad in the evenings!

Our other news from Wednesday is that, while I was caught up in the Wednesday morning rush at the thrift store (and searching for my phone in my purse), Hale took a nose dive out of his stroller from a standing position and his face got smashed. It was a terrible fall but he rebounded fast. He even let me pick up groceries on the way home - though he was swollen from the bridge of his nose to his chin.

Here he is (with a goofy look) showing off his scraped face. I'm sure he's learned his lesson and he'll never stand up in his stroller again. Ha!

I don't remember exactly what preceded this picture, but it was something like, "Okay, time to go in for a bath!"


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

OH man. That last picture made me laugh really hard. Poor little guy. But somehow, he still manages to look cute through it all!

July 15, 2010 at 10:49 PM  

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