Thursday, January 29, 2009

My new favorite things

I have a new hobby in my life. In November, I took a knitting class with two friends, and it has since taken over my free time. I know that a knitting addiction is kind of cliche - I think everyone has a knitting phase in their life. Maybe my enthusiasm will wane too - but right now I just can't get enough of it! Today I finished a hat for a new baby girl at our church. It was the first time that I knit with a textured yarn. It was kind of a challenge, but I like the way it turned out all fuzzy. I'm a little disappointed in my flower. I would like to try that pattern with a little smaller needles and yarn.
Another fun thing in my life right now is a photography group that I joined online called A Photo a Week in 2009. I am taking one photo a week related to a subject picked by the administrator of the group. We are on week five and I've already learned so much! I will try to post some of my pictures soon to show you what I've done so far.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another day, another nursery shoot

I feel like I should be getting a little bit more creative with my photos of Hale. I realize that 98% of the pictures I take of him are in his blue-hued nursery. But, he's just so comfortable there and in a way I think it serves as a point-of-reference for his growth and development. At least that's what I'm telling myself until it is nice enough to take pictures outside.

Here is Hale sitting like a big boy in his rocker.

These are pictures of Hale's two favorites: doors and drawers.

He likes to pull his clothes out. He seems especially fond of his cow costume.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our morning in the calf barn

This morning Hale and I fed calves with Landon. It was really fun to have some extra "daddy" time and the work was actually pretty enjoyable too! The farm usually has 200 hungry calves in the barn and about 75 of them haven't been weaned so they still need bottles. I think Hale might have been a little jealous watching me give bottles to other babies.

Landon filling the bottles.

Hale entertaining himself with a clean nipple.

The bottles all ready to go.

Saying goodbye to the calves before we left.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rocklyn's first birthday party

Pictures from Rocklyn's first birthday party at Josh and Tarelle's cabin this past Sunday:

The cousins greeting each other.

Playing on the stairs.

The delicious spread of food.

Eating her cake.

Giving Hale a taste.

Kohl and Rocklyn in their Romeos.

Back in the Nursery

Now that we are back from Minnesota I am realizing how much Hale has changed in just two weeks. I had commented to Landon that it is hard for me to observe changes in Hale when we are traveling because we are totally out of our routine. It's fun to see him back in his room and witness all the new ways that he is interacting with his surroundings.

The depressing thing is that this nursery photoshoot was way harder than it has ever been before. He is so active now and less interested in posing for the camera. Shoot - I was kind of hoping that he would always sit still for my pictures. Guess he'll be a normal boy after all.

Since we don't yet have a walk behind toy for him (we tried to buy one but happened to hit Walmart on the one evening they closed at 6pm) he has taken to walking behind household items - like this laundry basket pictured below. My personal favorite was when he walked behind the vacuum cleaner for 20 minutes while I vacuumed up pine needles leftover from Christmas. I think he thought that he was pushing it for me - he was so proud!

He is also playing peek a boo with us now. He likes this little furry blanket. He places more importance on the throwing down of the blanket than on the actual hiding of his eyes. Sometimes he only raises the blanket to his chest before he vigorously THROWS it down. We usually still humor him with a "boo!!" But sometimes he is pretty good and will even draw out the suspense a little - hiding his face for 5 seconds or more.

This is an ugly picture - but you can see his new four teeth on top.

He is standing independantly now for long durations. It's fun to watch him. He usually does better when he doesn't realize that he is doing it. Landon and I can't believed how fast he developed this skill!