Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 8: MACRO

This week in my photography group we are taking Macro shots. I believe the technical definition of macro means that you are photographing something to appear life-size or bigger in your photos. This was a fun assignment - easy to do indoors! Here are a few of my shots.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Following in his dad's footsteps

Hale and I did a special photo shoot on Monday in his camo hat, just to make his dad proud. Hale was a little reluctant to leave the hat on (see below) but I got a few fun pictures.

Another thing that makes his dad proud: Hale has recently learned how to "drive" his toy tractors. It's fun to watch him move tractors around his room with serious concentration.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo morning

I decided that if conditions were good this morning I would try to take some photos at the farm before Hale's morning nap. I am working on this week's photo, which needs to be black and white. I want to try to do a black and white landscape - since I'm more familiar with portraits. One element of a good BW landscape portrait is an active sky - like cool clouds. The clouds weren't really that fantastic this morning so we decided to cuddle up in Hale's room instead of going out.
Of course, as soon as we settled in the sun came out and the light was really cool. I took this picture out Hale's nursery window.

I really wanted to take a BW picture of the church across the street while the lighting was still good. We packed up quickly and got this photo. The BW is cool - but the composition is very uninteresting. I was a little too shy to get out of my car - so I took this quick picture out of the window. I should have gotten out and taken it from a better angle. Maybe later.

Since we were in the car anyway we stopped by the farm to take some pictures. The sun was gone by then which was disappointing. Here's a sample of what we saw:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hale outside on Friday. Doesn't he look like a big boy?

Nice Do

This is Hale getting creative with his sweet potatoes the other day. He restyled his hair with them.

Obviously, he needed a bath. Here he is on his towel after he is all clean!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My reader

Hale's new favorite toys are books! He loves to look at them, turn the pages, carry them, throw them, etc. Here are a few reading pictures I took this afternoon, plus a few others...

Jail break!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hale in his high chair

Here are a few pictures of Hale from lunch today.

His chair is by the window and he is starting to get distracted by things outside. I often catch him staring out the window with a dreamy look:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I just wanted to share this picture of Hale exploring some tires. He is already into everything - stop encouraging him Landon!
Also, these were my weekly picks for last week. The theme was Valentines - and we were encouraged to experiment with new types of lighting. I did a loose interpretation of the theme and photographed my two Valentines...
This one was my first attempt at backlighting.
This is side lighting - which I actually use a lot in my portraits.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My photo-a-week photos

Here is a sampling of what I've been up to with my camera the past few weeks. In an effort to learn more about photography, I am taking one photo a week this year in coordination with a group of other women photographers I met online. Of course, to end up with one good photo a week you must take many photos. So this group has been good motivation to experiment with my camera every day.

Last week's subject was food. I must have been in a breakfasty mood last week because both my subjects were breakfast items:

Blueberry crepes.

Monday morning's breakfast.

The previous week was "metal". I ventured to the farm to look for metal and found lots of interesting shots:

Grain tanks.

Door to maternity.

the Ford

The old silo.

My first week our assignment was to take a self portrait. This was an interesting challenge. I didn't have success with my tripod - so I'm holding the camera at arm's length for the photos (which explains why they are so close up). This challenge ended up being a great way to introduce ourselves to the other photographers in the group.