Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hobby Horse Parade

Hale just got his own cup, plate and bowl as a gift from some of our friends. The pattern is called Hobby Horse Parade - it is adorable!

It has been fun to watch Hale use them - especially the little cup. He actually prefers this normal cup to his sippy cup, though he tends to spill a lot of water down his front. Then he points inside the cup and then to his chest like "look mom, the water is now in my lap". He's getting better everyday though. It used to be only about 30 percent of the water made it in his mouth and now it's more like 70.

I took these pictures to send with a thank-you, but thought I should share them here as well!

All gone!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Grandma T!!!

My mom came to visit in mid-July and it was one of our best weeks of the summer! We'd looked forward to the visit for a few months and we were fortunate to have some great weather to share with her.

Grandma got in on some little blue pool time:

and on bath time:

and on general hanging around the house time.

We also did a couple fun "dual grandma" outings.

Here's the happy trio reading a book.

Later, we went blueberry picking.

Hale loved blueberry picking. Once he figured out that they were edible he dropped his picking container and took a seat. Then he ate a lot of berries.

The grandmas and I had a little contest to see who could find the biggest berry. I ate the champion berry. It was a delicious mouthful!

Farm Boy

I am thankful that digital photos don't take up any real space in my house because otherwise I would literally be buried in them! Landon, Hale and I have had so many fun activities lately and I haven't been able to keep up with the photo editing. On top of that, I've done a few photo shoots lately, and that editing has taken priority.

I took a break from editing today to go through a whole folder of pictures that I hadn't even seen yet. This little picture of Hale caught my eye and I just had to put it up.

I don't know how to describe how much fun he has had on the farm this summer! It is entertaining to me to see him stroll around with total confidence - pointing things out to me as if HE knows much more about what is going on than I do (which is probably not far from the truth). It is already his home away from home, and his number one favorite place to be.

This is him on the four wheeler. He loves to ride on it and likes to pretend to drive when it is not moving.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fourth of July!

We camped with Landon's family for the Fourth of July.

We had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather at Sandy Point.

(photo by Landon)

Rocklyn had a great time playing together. Here is Hale in one of Rocklyn's strangle-hugs. She loves her cousin so much!

One of our most fun days was spent at the waterslides. Even Rocklyn and Hale got into it!

(photo by Tarelle)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Father's Day - Van Dyk celebration

Here are a few pictures from a beautiful Father's Day that we spent with Landon's dad's side of the family! Hale and Rocklyn have lots of fun playmates on this side. This is Rocklyn, Cole, and Hale sitting together. They were all born within three months of each other and they are really starting to enjoy each other's company!

Hale and Rocklyn were kind of playing tug of war with a tennis ball during our photo shoot.

Here is Rocklyn taking care of the situation by throwing it out of anyone's reach!

When it was time to get in his seat to leave, Hale decided to stand up, turn around and wave goodbye to everyone through the little window in the back of the truck. I thought his expressions were so funny.
PS - He is naked because he was teething so bad that weekend that I couldn't keep his shirts dry - so much drool! Fortunately, all four of his molars are in now and we are doing much better!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Father's Day - the early celebration

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. We had a great time camping - I hope to post some pictures soon. First I have to catch up with some Father's Day pictures. This was our early celebration with the Kroontje side of the family.

We took full advantage of Bud and Susan's big yard and played tree tag. Rocklyn really got into it- I love this series of shots and had to put them together side-by-side.

Landon was surprising fast at tag even with Hale in his arms.

Hale taking a time out.

Rocklyn taking a time out.

We took a walk with the kids to visit the animals across the street. They really know how to stretch out a trip down the driveway. It took forever!

Examining the gravel along our way (one of Hale's favorite past times). Hurry up you two!

Hale stops to see the cows.

Then Rocklyn also stops to look at the cows.

We did eventually cross the road.

Rocklyn peeking at the chickens.

Vi concocting a "delicious" soup of grass and dirt.