Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our week with Rocklyn: Country Mouse City Mouse

While we didn't get to spend much time on the farm while Rocklyn was here, Hale had a good time showing Rocklyn all the other ways in which he likes to get dirty. Wednesday evening I had the kids in the little swimming pool and then Hale decided he wanted to play with his tractors in the dirt. This is how it went:

Mom: Hale, don't go in the dirt when you are all wet! You're going to get all muddy and dirty!

Hale: Yes, Mom! I DO go in dirt and I DO get muddy dirty.

Rocklyn: (with look of total sincerity) I don't get dirty!

I realized it was going to take a lot of energy to keep the kids clean, so I just let them have fun.

And true to their words, Hale did get dirty...

and Rocklyn did not.

At the end of the week Hale and I headed to Bellevue and experienced the fun of being "city mice." Rocklyn invited us to her gymnastics class and the kids had a total blast. I wish they could do it together every week.

Hale totally proud of himself.

Next Grandma Gloria took us to watch the Blue Angels practice over Lake Washington. The kids thought it was pretty cool.

We had a lot of fun at Rocklyn's house - especially going down the slide into her pool! This is the kids playing "funny face" in the mirror before bath.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our week with Rocklyn: blueberry picking!

This past week Hale got to hang out with his cousin every single day. We were looking forward to having her for a while in Lynden, and fortunately, we had some beautiful weather to enjoy with her.

We kicked off the week-long party last Sunday with some blueberry picking.

Hale and Rocklyn are both avid blueberry-eaters, so they were expected to pull their own weight when picking. Hale has quite a bit of experience and Rocklyn caught on fast.

Grandma Susan suggested picking into small cups...

...and then pouring the cupfuls into a coffee can.

The kids were diligent pickers...

...and quickly filled half their can.

Grandpa stopped by to check on the progress - and picked a few berries for the kids' can.

You can probably guess which vehicle grandpa drove.

The kids didn't eat too many berries but sometimes Hale couldn't help himself.

Can you tell these kids enjoy each other?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nichole's Bachelorette!!!

Two posts in one day, I know, is quite weird for me. But I have a bunch of pictures that I'm dying to share so I just need to get these up while I have the time tonight. Plus they are overdue...

Two weekends ago I got to spend two nights in Seattle with my SPU girlfriends to celebrate Nichole and her upcoming wedding. I was having so much fun that I didn't take as many pics as I should have, but fortunately Jen (a BFF and amazing photographer) did an awesome job documenting the parts of the weekend that I did not. So Jen, I stole some of your pics. Hope you don't mind!

Here are a few pics of the girls that Jen took of our night out on the town!

The beautiful guest of honor on the sidewalk in Capital Hill (love your candids Jen).

U-Scholar's Forever!!! (totally kidding)

Twins! So pretty!

And here are MY pictures from the official shower.

Brie prepping the mint for Mojitos.

Christy, our friend fresh off her return trip from South America mixed them - even the virgin version was yummy!

Another very special guest - Silas came to hang out with the girls. He is so cute and smiley- he made me look forward to having my own little one again!

Nichole and her beautiful "bow-quet" sculpted by Christy!

Lynden Christian Centennial Celebration

Lynden Christian School celebrated their 100th year anniversary with a weekend full of events. Landon participated in the alumni baseball game. It was really fun to watch him pitch competitively again!

Hale watches Landon warm up in the bullpen.

Landon pitching

and up to bat!

An overview of Landon's senior year - posted in a display that day by the field...

Way to go "Lando"! We love you!