Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heatless in Seattle

I stole the title of this post from an article I read online. It reported that Seattle has had exactly 78 minutes of real "summer" weather (temperatures over 80 degrees) this year. I know we shouldn't complain - especially with record heat sweeping the rest of the nation - but what in the world is going on? Where is global warming when you need it?

Also unusual this year- a sunny July 4th weekend. This must be when those glorious 78 minutes occured. We had a fun day on Sunday bumming around with the Van Dyk family.

Josh and Tarelle set up this awesome pool.

See the big tank attached to the four wheeler in back? The boys filled it with hot water at the farm so that the pool wouldn't be too freezing. Nice.

We also had a little bit of this going on. What is this, you might wonder? I don't know exactly - just the boys horsing around on the lawn.

It's been a little busy around here lately. I have so much to post about but haven't spent the time. One of the most major projects right now is picking RASPBERRIES!

You might remember that the farm put in raspberries last spring and we are getting our first harvest this year.

They are yummy.

As soon as Hale saw the raspberry picker he couldn't wait to see it in action. There's a lot of activity on the harvester so I wasn't quite sure he would be able to ride. But somehow, he weaseled himself into the center of the action. Into the driver's seat no less! He feels like a very important part of the process. Good thing he doesn't know what "autopilot" means yet.

I, also, weaseled my way onto the picker - thanks to my mother-in-law who watched the kids all day on Sunday. It's not the most exciting job but it was fun to work alongside Landon! I scrubbed and scrubbed but my hands are still stained black from the juice. Hale kept saying "Mom, you need to wash your hands before you touch me!" Like he should talk!


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