Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The first "day" of kindergarten

This week Hale is doing his "slow start" to kindergarten.  This means he is going to school, but only partial days with part of his class.  Today was the first time that he spent time in his classroom without me.  But it was only 45 minutes with a few other kids.  I wasn't going to count it as a day of school.

But, this morning Hale put on his first day of school outfit, walked into the kitchen and announced "Hooray, it is my first day of kindergarten!"  I tried to explain that tomorrow was really more like his first day (though it's still only a half day) but he wasn't convinced and I didn't want to kill his enthusiasm.  So we switched into "first day of school" mode and I grabbed the camera!

This girl is going to miss her brother on his school days.  This morning she told him "Hale, I don't want you to go bye-bye." He said "Don't worry Z, you're going to go to the library" which was sweet, but we weren't, so it kind of ended up adding to her disappointment.


And when it wasn't him... was HER being goofy.

The mandatory backpack picture

We love you Hale!  You'll do great!


Blogger Crystal said...

Oh my goodness...major cuteness!! First day is so much fun - even if 45 min, right? ;) Thanks for sharing! :)

August 28, 2013 at 2:57 PM  

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