Friday, October 8, 2010

Minnesota Trip - finally!

And since I'm on a roll, I think I'll just finish up my summer pictures! This was our trip to Minnesota over Labor Day - looking through them tonight made me miss the warm weather!

Hale and I enjoyed two weeks in Minnesota with my parents. The worst part was being without Landon, the best part was...well there were MANY highlights. Maybe all these pictures will give you the idea.

By the way - my Dad took almost all the pictures in this blog post. I was too busy enjoying myself to use my camera much. Thanks, Dad, for documenting our trip so well. Hope you don't mind my editing!

We had great summer weather the first weekend.

Hale loved helping his Grandpa and Grandma water the lawn and flowers. Grandma taught him how to put his finger over the hose to make it spray farther (which he is kind of doing here).

Grandma spoiled Hale with frequent ice cream parties on the kitchen floor.

We enjoyed a Saturday as a family at Shady Oak Beach.

I was glad I had a good excuse for why I couldn't do this.

Experienced the best State Fair anywhere to the very fullest! Mom and Dad spoiled us all with food- and rides for the boys.

We, of course, went to the cabin and enjoyed the mild sunny weather...

...playing outdoors

...feeding fish

...eating Mickey pancakes

...making new friends (aka Malin, one of Gaard and Torve's other cousins)

...and celebrating Torve's first birthday!!!!

As if that weren't enough, we also visited Como Park Zoo. The boys (and Grandpa and Grandma) did some more rides that day too!

Whew! You can tell why we came home exhausted - and why it took Hale a few weeks to adjust to normal life again! When you have 13 days of fun it is hard to get back to reality!

Thanks for the great trip family! We miss you again already!


Blogger C.J. and Jen said...

Those pics are great. Who knew your Dad was so good?

October 9, 2010 at 9:45 AM  
Blogger Robin Swenson said...

Thanks for coming and for staying awhile! It was so fun. Love you.

October 9, 2010 at 3:20 PM  
Blogger Gunnel said...

Lovely to see You all at nice pics. Hugs from Sweden & Gunnel

November 22, 2010 at 2:29 PM  

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